Zhukovsky Machine-Building Plant
+7 (495) 221-66-88

Happy Victory Day!

May 9 – a holiday that combines the bitterness of loss and great joy of victory, a symbol of pride for those who defended freedom and independence of our country, a symbol of the determination, the will, the courage and heroism of the Russian people, a symbol of the dignity of Russia!

In May this great holiday with a deep sense of gratitude to thank you for all the heroism of our countrymen, past the roads of war, glorious home front, honor the memory of those killed on the battlefield.

This victory total, one for all, as one in all the fragile peace, as one at all our home – our blue planet.
Let the desire for peace, harmony, prosperity and liberty lives in the heart of each of us, the unity and purity of our thoughts will be directed to creation!

Eternal glory – died, kowtow – alive …
Happy Victory Day!